If A Dog Were Your Teacher
If a dog were your teacher, you would learn stuff like:
When loved
ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience
of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
others know when they have invaded your territory.
Take naps and stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm
days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
your happy, dance around a wag your entire body.
No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing
and pout...run right back and make friends.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
Stop when you have had enough.
Never pretend to be something that you're not.
And MOST of all.......
someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by them and nuzzle them gently.
Author Unknown

A Doggy Dictionary
BATH: This is a process by which the humans
drench the floor, walls and themselves. You can help by shaking vigorously and frequently.
BICYCLES: Two-wheeled exercise
machines, invented for dogs to control body fat. To get maximum aerobic benefit, you must hide behind a bush and dash out,
bark loudly and run alongside for a few yards; the person then swerves and falls into the bushes and you prance away.
BUMP: The best way to get your human's attention when they are drinking a fresh cup of tea or coffee.
This is a malady that affects dogs when their person wants them in and they want to stay out. Symptoms include staring blankly
at the person, then running in the opposite direction, or lying down.
DOG BED: Any soft, clean surface, such as the
white bedspread in the guestroom or the newly upholstered sofa in the living room.
DROOL: Is what you do when your
persons have food and you don't. To do this properly you must sit as close as you can and look sad and let the drool fall
to the floor, or better yet, on their laps.
GOOSE BUMP: A manoeuver to use as a last resort when the Regular Bump
doesn't get the attention you require....especially effective when combined with The Sniff.
LEAN: Every good dog's
response to the command "sit !", especially if your person is dressed for an evening out. Incredibly effective before black-tie
LEASH: A strap that attaches to your collar, enabling you to lead your person where you want him/her to go.
LOVE: Is a feeling of intense affection, given freely and without restriction. The best way you can show your love
is to wag your tail. If you're lucky, a human will love you in return.
RUBBISH BIN: A container that your neighbours
put out once a week to test your ingenuity. You must stand on your hind legs and try to push the lid off with your nose. If
you do it right you are rewarded with margarine wrappers to shred, beef bones to consume and mouldy crusts of bread.
SNIFF: A social custom to use when you greet other dogs. Place your
nose as close as you can to the other dogs rear end and inhale deeply, repeat several times, or until your person makes you
SOFAS: Are to dogs like napkins are to people. After eating it is polite to run up and down the front of the
sofa and wipe your whiskers clean.
THUNDER: This is a signal that the world is coming to an end. Humans remain amazingly
calm during thunderstorms, so it is necessary to warn them of the danger by trembling uncontrollably, panting, rolling your
eyes wildly, and following at their heels.
WASTEBASKET: This is a dog toy filled with paper, envelopes, and old sweet
wrappers. When you get bored, turn over the basket and strew the papers all over the house until your person comes home.
Author Unknown

Christmas Etiquette For Dogs
Be especially patient with your
humans during this time. They may appear to be more stressed-out than usual and they will appreciate long comforting dog leans.
They may come home with large bags of things they call gifts. Do not assume that all the gifts are yours.
tolerant if your humans put decorations on you. They seem to get some special kind of pleasure out of seeing how you look
with fake antlers.
They may bring a large tree into the house and set it up in a prominent place and cover it with
lights and decorations. Bizarre as this may seem to you, it is an important ritual for your humans, so there are some things
you need to know: Don't pee on the tree - don't drink water in the container that holds the tree. Mind your tail when you
are near the tree-if there are packages under the tree, even ones that smell interesting or that have your name on them, don't
rip them open - don't chew on the cord that runs from the funny-looking hole in the wall to the tree.
Your humans
may occasionally invite lots of strangers to come visit during this season. These parties can be lots of fun, but they also
call for some discretion on your part: Not all strangers appreciate kisses and leans - don't eat off the buffet table - beg
for goodies subtly - be pleasant, even if unknowing strangers sit on your sofa - don't drink out of glasses that are left
within your reach.
Likewise, your humans may take you visiting. Here your manners will also be important: Observe
all the rules for trees that may be in other people's houses. Respect the territory of other animals that may live in the
house - tolerate children - turn on your charm big time.
A big man with a white beard and a very loud laugh may emerge
from your fireplace in the middle of the night. DON'T BITE HIM!!
Author Unknown

Dog In The Jungle
A wild dog is running through the jungle.
While wandering about he notices a leopard heading in his direction with the intention of having lunch.
dog thinks, "Boy, I'm in deep trouble now."
Then he sees some bones on the ground close by, and immediately settles
down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat.
Just as the leopard is about to leap, the dog exclaims
loudly, "Man, that was one delicious leopard. I wonder if there are any more around here?"
Hearing this the leopard
halts his attack in mid stride, and he slinks away into the trees.
"Whew", says the leopard. "That was close. That
dog nearly had me."
Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put
this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So, he goes chasing after the leopard.
the dog saw him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figured that something must be up.
The monkey soon
catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard.
The cat is furious
at being made a fool of and says, "Here monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine."
the dog sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back, and thinks," What am I going to do now?"
But instead
of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers pretending he hasn't seen them yet.
And just when they
get close enough to hear, the dog says, "Where's that monkey. I just can never trust him. I sent him off half an hour ago
to bring me another leopard, and he's still not back!"
Author Unknown

The Best Part About Owning A Dog...
... is the way
he will come over to see me, for no reason, just to let me know I'm important to him... ... is the way he is always
ready to lick the jelly off my nose... ... is the way he looks into my eyes and finds contentment in simply being
near me... ... is the way he will run all over the yard, fetch a soggy tennis ball and bring it back to me as if to
say "look mum, it's all I have, but it's yours... ... is the way he wakes me up in the morning by pushing his cold
wet nose in my ear and snuffing loudly... ... is the way he shreds toilet paper all over the house, because it's fun
even though he knows he shouldn't... ... is the way he's sure he can catch the ducks in the lake today... ... is the
way he comes over to me when he is sad... ... is the way he wedges himself near me when I am sad and push all others
away, to console me with his love... ... is the way he pounces on crickets in the backyard... ... is the way he looks
perplexed when they escape... ... is the way he is terrified of the evil pink hula hoop... ... is the way he doesn't
mind how much of that horrid perfume I'm wearing just because it was a gift from my relative who's visiting... ...
is the way he doesn't care about bad hair day or overdue bills... ... is the way he loves you, even when you are impatient
with him and have no time this morning for a game of tug-a-war... ... is the way his coat feels like liquid silk under
my fingers... ... is the way he finds wisdom beyond words...
Author Unknown